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Acronyms used on this page:
Baccalieu Trail Youth Council = BTYC
Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador's Youth! = FINALY!
Regional Economic Development Board = RED Board
Mariner Resource Opportunities Network Inc. = M-RON Inc.


The BTYC is comprised of 13 democratically elected members that serve youth, ages 15 - 30 years, living along the Baccalieu Trail. 

The BTYC is affiliated with the provincial organization, FINALY!. FINALY!, other than facilitating the participation of youth in decision making, promotes the achievements of youth and entrepreneurs, and distributes information to youth in all areas of the province. In conjunction with RED Boards and local partners, FINALY! works to establish and maintain zonal youth councils which are networked with other youth councils in their region and around the province. The BTYC is part of this network and is a subcommittee of the RED Board, M-RON Inc.

As a subcommittee, the BTYC works with M-RON Inc. in supporting and developing youth initiatives. A Youth Representative sits on the Board of Directors of M-RON Inc. and ensures that youth issues and concerns are voiced through the proper channels.

The council also seeks to empower youth to be active participants in decision making and implementation. The involvement of the council in social and economic development provides an opportunity for youth to build a future in our province. The efforts of the BTYC focus on the following objectives:

  • To act as a liaison between M-RON Inc. and the youth of Economic Zone 17, or the Baccalieu Trail, strengthening the partnership created by M-RON Inc. and its addition of a Youth Seat.

  • .To be an organized body which will represent youth issues in our region.

  • To encourage youth involvement in Community Economic Development.

  • To create a support network providing information on available services and programs for youth.

  • To promote the achievements of local youth, develop a sense of pride in our area, and to help create a prosperous future for our region.

  • To ensure full participation of interested young people in all aspects of activities of M-RON Inc.


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