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Meaning of Baccalieu

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of Baccalieu Trail

Trinity Bay

Conception Bay

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North River, Clarke's Beach, South River
from the Baccalieu Trail Visitor's Guide

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North River, Clarkes Beach, South River
Back to Conception Bay

North River

North River

The peaceful and attractive community of North River is situated on the north side of Bay de Grave adjacent to Clarke’s Beach. It extends along the northwest bank of the river of the same name. The settlement includes Hallstown.

The 'North River' forms the northwest boundary of the town, and is a scheduled salmon river.

Clarke's Beach

Clarkes Beach
To See
Clarke’s Beach Municipal Park

Due to its beauty and tranquility, the Clarke’s Beach, North River, South River area has been the home of a number of well known Newfoundland artists. The town of Clarke’s Beach has a well kept Municipal Park with a small beach for outdoor swimming.

The town has a Registered Heritage Structure Winter Home. Although it is not open for public display, it has an interesting history.

The town has a Registered Heritage Structure Winter Home. Although it is not open for public display, it has an interesting history.

Winter Home was the residence of Henry William Winter who made furniture. His styles are unique including a great deal of ornamentation. His original workshop was located on the main highway in Clarke's Beach across the street from his home. To advertise his business, Henry Winter placed a chair on the roof overlooking the road.

South River

South River

South River is a beautiful, quiet town, where the green county atmosphere contrasts with spectacular seascapes seen in most of the Baccalieu Trail. The area at one time had a thriving lumber and boat building industry. Logs were floated down the river to the shore.

South River is a scheduled salmon river.

Baccalieu Trail Tourism Association
Telephone: (709) 596-3474

Fax: (709)596-3424 email: [email protected]
Design by Baccalieu. Hosted by aroundthebay.ca