Carbonear is rich with a history of Pirates, a
Princess, battles and a wealthy fishery. It has been said that
Carbonear has produced more sea captains than any other community
in Newfoundland. The sea was the main source of the towns economic
growth and resulted in many merchant houses being built during the
1800s. As you enter the town you will see Carbonear Island located
at the mouth of the harbour. In early 1614, Carbonear Island's
natural defenses were taken advantage of when the settlement was
raided by the notorious pirate Peter Easton. There were many
unsuccessful attempts by Peter Easton and the French to destroy
Carbonear Island but it wasn't until 66 years later when the
French finally succeeded. The little island that once thundered
with gun fire and battle, became recognized as having National
Historic Significance in 1981.
If you have a great photo of the Baccalieu Trail and would like to share
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