Welcome to Bay de Verde Heritage House and Baccalieu Island Exhibit, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Baccalieu Island Interpretation Centre

On  July 5, 2020 Bay de Verde Heritage House open the Baccalieu Island Interpretation Centre - an exhibit detailing the diverse ecology and history of Baccalieu Island. A definite highlight  to your trip to Newfoundland.

Baccalieu Island Seabird Ecological Reserve

Baccalieu Island Seabird Ecological Reserve contains Baccalieu Island located off the tip of the northwest Avalon Peninsula near the town of Bay de Verde.  Named after the Basques or Portuguese words for cod, Baccalieu Island is shown on some of the earliest navigational charts of North America.  Approximately 6 X 1 kms this Island has a rich natural and cultural history.  The reserve is largely inaccessible due to its steep high cliffs and treacherous shoreline.  Baccalieu Island is the largest seabird island in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Island supports the greatest diversity of breeding seabirds of any of our seabird colonies.  More Leach's Storm Petrels breed on Baccalieu than anywhere else in the world.  In addition, Baccalieu Island supports the second largest colony of puffins in North America , the reserve is also home to black-legged kittiwakes, and one of only six Northern Gannet colonies in North America.

Important Bird Areas of Canada
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador



Baccalieu Island Southwest Lighthouse 

Originally established as a fog signal station in 1905. A light tower was added in 1953. 

Location: Off the tip of the Bay de Verde peninsula at the entrance to Conception and Trinity Bays, on the Avalon Peninsula in eastern Newfoundland

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Check out the Ryan Family Lighthouse exhibit at Heritage House.

Bay de Verde Heritage House
Bay de Verde, Conception Bay, Newfoundland
Tel. 1-709-587-2766

Special thanks to Mariner Resource Opportunities Network Inc. for making this site possible.