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Drug and alcohol is a real problem in Canada.  Police Officers deal with people facing problems that are direclty associated  with drugs or alcohol. Enforcement is not enough to get rid of this social plague.  The need is to deal with this problem directly at the root.  The best way to do this is through education.  Children and teenagers now have to face tough decision at an early age.   The younger the children are educated the better they will be to understand what options they have and how they should react if ever they are confronted with a choice to make.  Early education starts at home.  For this reason you will find below a series of links to articles on drug awareness.

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Mandate of the RCMP's National Drug Awareness Program

  • To reduce demand through education
  • To encourage involvement of all citizens to participate in the solution process:

"Substance abuse is everyone's concern"

  • To promote awareness through educational programs

  • To assist and act as a resource to community action

  • To provide positive solutions

  • To assist in creating positive attitude changes in the community

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If you require a copy of these pamphlets or want more information on these drug awareness programs, please contact the RCMP Trinity-Conception District at (709) 596-5014 or your local RCMP detachment.

Drug information publications

Two Way Street;
Parents, Kids and Drugs

Drugs and Sport

Positive Action Teens
Choosing Health (PATCH)

Kids & Cops:
Partners in
Drug Prevention

Go All the Way...
Without Drugs

Drugs and the Workplace


Other RCMP Publications

Drug awareness programs

Police Assisting
Community Education

Aboriginal Shield Program

D.A.R.E. Canada Inc.

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drug education and awareness
for life (DEAL)

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Drug Awareness Articles

General Informations **

Drug Informations **

**These page were constructed on white background and black text to make them easier to print.

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Drug Awareness on the Internet

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, CCSA, addictions, drugs, alcohol

Controlled Substances--Uses and Effects


Drug Education and Awareness for Life (DEAL)

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� RCMP/GRC 2002